Become a local guide

Value provided by
WOW U-mediator

Sightseeing is not about choosing tourist spots, but about meeting people. By continuing to be attracted to and connected with your personality, you will want to visit again.

For example, if there is a country where a friend lives, make that country a little special to you.For example, if there is a country where you have done a homestay, casually ask yourself, "How are you?"

Even if they just happened to come to Japan, meeting you will be an irreplaceable experience for them and make Japan special.

EXest believes that there is value that can be provided precisely because "people" and "people" are directly connected.

“Where” is important, but there should be a trip where “with whom” is important.

Even in the same place, if you are with different people, you will surely see a completely different view.

And with you, travelers will meet other Japanese and other travelers, and people from all over the world will be connected. Would you like to create such a new form of tourism together?

What will happen if I become
a WOW U-mediator?

"WOW U-mediator" is a general term for interpreter guides who use WOW U to provide attractive tours and experiences related to various Japanese sightseeing contents to foreign visitors to Japan.

These things are baked
into our corporate DNA

  • You yourself become the content, and send your favorite Japan to the world.

    You yourself become the content, and send your favorite Japan to the world.

  • By connecting with people around the world, a community is born and a new network expands.

    By connecting with people around the world, a community is born and a new network expands.

  • You can make people happy with your hobbies and skills

    You can make people happy with your hobbies and skills

How can I become a
WOW U-mediator?

Three major qualities are required. WOW U-mediators are people who want to entertain people,have the will to create the best time, and act for people.

  • People who have "attachment" and "feelings" for the area

  • People who can become content themselves

  • Person who can send information by himself/herself

Who are WOW U-

Three major qualities are required. WOW U-mediators are people who want to entertain people,have the will to create the best time, and act for people.

In the case of "WOW U-mediator who wants to convey Japan through music as a Jazz Drummer"

Because it is not a word, each person can feel it intuitively. That's why I think that music is good because people from different cultures can connect with each other. It's not that she can't interact with people from overseas because of the language barrier between Japanese and English, but she uses music, which is her strength, as a common language to convey Japanese culture and herself. She has been involved in Jazz since she was 14 and offers activities that can be both communicated and experienced through her playing.

Susan Toyosaki

In the case of “WOW U-mediator who lives as a former dancer and LGBT”"

Utilizing his individuality, he has:
1) “Shinjuku 2-chome Tour”, where he talks about living as an LGBT person in Japan
2) “Ankoku Butoh Experience Tour”, because he is learning a genre of dance called Ankoku Butoh
3) His hometown of SaitamaWe are planning tours such as Kumagaya Tour (festivals, Japanese drum experience) and "Mochi-making experience tour at home" .

Susan Toyosaki

In the case of “WOW U-mediator, a woman full of vitality who is qualified as an interpreter guide”

We plan a “HomeVisit Tour” in which we invite travelers to our homes and enjoy local cuisine together, starting with shopping.

In addition to cooking, we invite friends who can wear kimonos and calligraphy teachers, and spend time together in harmony. This tour is very popular with foreigners who want to experience the daily life of Japanese people.

Susan Toyosaki

Features That Help
People Find Each Other


Find an area that you are good at, or register a new one at will!

Tour Creation

You can create an original tour that takes advantage of your individuality by interviewing travelers.

Rules and Conditions

You can decide your own tour rules and conditions.


Using AI to match the spots and tours you introduce.


Realize smooth communication with the chat function.


Because WOW U intervenes, the exchange of expenses is safe and reliable.


Visualize the quality of "people", "tours" and "spots" through fair reviews.

Our Partners

  • Tokio Marine Nichido
  • Fujitsu
  • Ticket Pia
  • Metro Ad Agenc
  • Yomiuri Shimbun
  • Tabi Musha


  • Mizuho Capital
  • Mitsubishi UFJ Capital
  • SMBC Venture Capital
  • Hiroshima Venture Capital
  • Daishi Bank
  • Concord Executive Group
  • Chukyo TV
  • Fukuoka Broadcasting System
  • Television Niigata Network
  • Television Shin-Hiroshima System