Chiran Samurai Residences

Art & Architecture History

Found in Kagoshima prefecture, the Chiran Samurai Residences were said to have been built in the 1700s. Still hosting several intact samurai residences and seven different gardens, visitors to these streets lined with ancient residences will feel like they've traveled back to the Edo Era (18th century Japan). The seven gardens are Nationally Designated Sites of Scenic Beauty. One of the gardens is designed in the Chisenshiki style (which features a pond in the center), while the other six gardens were built in the Karesansui style (a dry garden that is suggestive of water without actually using any water).

Spot Name
Chiran Samurai Residences
Postal Code
Kori, Chiran-cho, Minami kyusyu City
Telephone Number
Art & Architecture,History

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