Kamui Misaki Cape

Beautiful Scenery Outdoor Activities

Kamui Misaki Cape is a hidden gem located at the peak of the Shakotan Peninsula. With its steep cliff shooting out into the Sea of Japan, the beauty of the landscape is incomparable. Known as a part of the Niseko-Shakotan-Otaru Kaigan Quasi-national Park, Kamui Misaki Cape is one of the best places to enjoy the mystical panoramic view of the ocean. You can try getting an even better look from the Kamui Misaki Lighthouse at the peak.
In the early summertime, Kamui Misaki Cape is blossoming with dazzling yellow Ezo daylilies that occupy the surrounding fields everywhere, enveloping both you and the nature trails. At the beginning of a 1.5km trail leading to the peak of Kamui Misaki Cape, you can visit a local shop and indulge yourself in premium soft serve ice cream or seafood rice bowls, where sea urchins are considered a delicacy.

Spot Name
Kamui Misaki Cape
Postal Code
Kozaki-cho, Shakotan-cho, Shakotan-gun, Hokkaido
Beautiful Scenery,Outdoor Activities

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