Katsurenjo Castle Ruins

Beautiful Scenery Unesco World Heritage

These are the ruins of Katsuren Castle, the oldest among the castles in Okinawa. They are also registered as a Unesco World Heritage Site. It is called an “impregnable fortress” because it holds a structure thoroughly designed for defense. Also, because the Katsuren Castle Ruins are located on the top of a small mountain, you can capture a 360-degree panoramic view from the top of the castle. Particularly Nakagusuku Bay, which can be seen in the south shining emerald green, is a magnificent view to behold.

Photograph provided by Okinawa Convention&Visitors Bureau

Spot Name
Katsurenjo Castle Ruins
Postal Code
3908 Katsurenhaebaru, Uruma city, Okinawa
Telephone Number
Beautiful Scenery,Unesco World Heritage

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