Kokonoe Yume Suspension Bridge

Art & Architecture Outdoor Activities

Kokonoe Yume Suspension Bridge is the highest suspension bridge in Japan that people can cross. Its length is 390 m, its height 173 m. Before your eyes on the bridge, you look down on a waterfall that has also been selected as “Japan’s 100 waterfalls,” and at your feet, there is a virgin forest in the Naruko River valley. Autumnal colors, when the trees have turned deep red, are a highlight. It is called a “walking path in the sky” because you can fully enjoy a 360-degree view of seasonal nature.

Spot Name
Kokonoe Yume Suspension Bridge
Postal Code
1208, Tano, Oaza, Kokonoe-machi, Kusu-gun
Telephone Number
Art & Architecture,Outdoor Activities

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