Mt. Chausuyama

Outdoor Activities

At an elevation of 1,415 meters, Mt. Chausuyama is the tallest mountain in Aichi Prefecture. The area around the mountain, which shares a border with Nagano Prefecture, has an abundance of nature that results in changing scenery over the four seasons. The area is decorated with pink moss phlox in spring, fresh green in summer, orange and red foliage in autumn, and pure-white snow in winter, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in each season.
Additionally, there are plenty of leisure activities and sports facilities available, and the area also boasts the only ski resort in the prefecture, which attracts many visitors each winter.

Spot Name
Mt. Chausuyama
Postal Code
Azagosyodaira, Toyonemuurasakauba, Kitashitara-gun, Aichi
Telephone Number
Outdoor Activities

Around Spots