Natadera Temple

Culture Experience History

Natadera Temple is an ancient Buddhist temple in Ishikawa Prefecture. Located in an idyllic natural setting, the temple is devoted to the worship of Mt. Hakusan, one of the three major sacred mountains of Japan alongside Mt. Fuji and Mt. Tateyama. The temple grounds are spotted with attractions and things that are worth exploring, but its caves merit particular attention: the small caves on the face of a rock at Natadera temple have existed since ancient times and were believed to purify spirits after death to allow them to be reborn in a better life. Whether you are interested in beautiful nature, ancient spiritual traditions or Buddhist history, Natadera temple comes highly recommended for anyone visiting Mt. Hakusan.

Photograph provided by Ishikawa Prefectural Tourism League

Spot Name
Natadera Temple
Postal Code
122 Nata-machi, Komatsu City, Ishikawa
Telephone Number
Culture Experience,History