Sakamoto Kurozu Information Centre

Entertainment Food & Drink

The Sakamoto Kurozu Information Center located in Kagoshima prefecture, is quite the unique tourist spot, being a facility where you can learn about the traditional methods of making black vinegar and it's history in the area. There is also a restaurant available onsite which serves Chinese-style seasonal dishes made with the Kurozu (black vinegar). Not only is the Kurozu vinegar made onsite, but also stored in magnificent fashion in massive black earthenware jars where it is aged for a year under the sun the traditional way. For visitors looking to learn about Japanese history, or for foodies looking for a rare dish, the Sakamoto Kurozu Information Center is a great place to stop.

Spot Name
Sakamoto Kurozu Information Centre
Postal Code
3075 Fukuyama, Fukuyama-cho, Kirishima City
Telephone Number
Entertainment,Food & Drink

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