Shirahige Jinja Shrine

Beautiful Scenery Culture Experience History

Shirahige Jinja Shrine, located in Shiga prefecture, is split into two distinct areas. Over lake Biwa, a beautiful red torii gate stands in the water. Facing it from the coastline, there is the small but elegant Shinto shrine. Used by locals as a location to pray for good luck in life, both sights are appealing in their own right, but are beautiful together. The early morning, with the sunrise in the background, is usually the time to visit Shirahige Jinja Shrine for the best view; but the floating torii gate is also illuminated at night, making for an equally beautiful sight. Photogenic and awe inspiring, Shirahige Jinja Shrine is a great location for all visitors.

Photograph provided by Biwako Visitors Bureau

Spot Name
Shirahige Jinja Shrine
Postal Code
215 Ukawa, Takashima City, Shiga
Telephone Number
Beautiful Scenery,Culture Experience,History

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