Taga Taisha Shrine

Culture Experience History

Taga Taisha Shrine is a Shinto shrine in Shiga prefecture. Dedicated to the wed god and goddess, Izanagi and Izanami, it attracts many worshipers looking for success in finding love or for a harmonious marriage. Brimming with history, visitors will have a chance to learn about the building of Taikobashi Bridge by the Shogun Toyotomi Hideyoshi in prayer for the health of his mother. Whether visiting the shrine to pray or just to take in the beauty of the ancient Japanese shrine architecture, Taga Taisha Shrine is a beautiful spot to visit, especially in cherry blossom season.

Photograph provided by Biwako Visitors Bureau

Spot Name
Taga Taisha Shrine
Postal Code
604 Taga, Inukami-gun, Shiga
Telephone Number
Culture Experience,History