Todotaki Fall

Beautiful Scenery

Nicknamed Medaki Falls due to its appearance, Tododaki Falls is a symbol of the ravine which is said to possess powers of safe childbirth, protecting children, and strengthening relationships. The water falling down from the strangely shaped rocks is a mysterious sight to behold which fascinates the fall’s visitors. The 4.2 kilometer walk from the Moriyoshi Natural Wildlife Center to Todo Falls is regularly maintained and offers a great view of the surrounding forest of beech trees. The path is mostly flat, allowing one to stroll slowly through the brightly lit forest which is populated by black woodpeckers. This path through glimmering streams and colorful mountain outlines is known as a “walk in heaven.” Walking at a relaxed pace along the valleys colored by the autumn season for around 70 minutes will have you reach Todo Falls, also known as “Medaki Falls.” One of Akita Prefecture’s representative waterfalls, it has many fans who come visit time and time again. If you ever go to Akita, make sure you don’t miss it.

※ Stinging insects are fairly common in the summer. Wear a thin long-sleeve shirt or use insect spray to avoid getting stung.

Spot Name
Todotaki Fall
Postal Code
Okumoriyoshi, Kitaakita_City
Telephone Number
Beautiful Scenery