Tokinomori Koen Park

Entertainment Outdoor Activities

Tokinomori Park in Niigata is the place to go for seeing the crested ibis, a Japanese bird that is a symbol of Japan. The bird is called toki in Japanese and toki no mori means the Toki Forest. At the park, you have a chance to witness the life of the beautiful bird in many ways, flying, searching pond loach, building a bird’s nest right in front of your eyes. Seeing the crested ibis up close in a space that recreates the bird's natural environment is a rare opportunity, even in Japan. Bird lovers visiting Niigata should definitely consider a visit.

Spot Name
Tokinomori Koen Park
Postal Code
383-2, Niibonagaune, Sado City, Niigata
Telephone Number
Entertainment,Outdoor Activities