Tsumagojuku Post Town

Art & Architecture Beautiful Scenery Food & Drink History Insta-worthy Shopping

Tsumagojuku Post Town in Nagano prefecture is one of Japan’s best preserved historic towns. Owing its pristine condition to a decision to not pursue urban development during the late 1960s, its main street maintains a beautiful Edo-period visage. Inaccessible by cars during the daytime, you will have to walk around and explore the town as if you were in Japan’s past. Due to an increased interest by English speaking travelers, there is good English language accessibility in the area. Beyond exploring the streets, there are a number of interesting locations inside Tsumago, such as its Nagiso history museum or the Rurisan Kotokuji temple. Beloved by history fans, Tsumagojuku Post Town is a must see for anyone passing through Nagano.

Spot Name
Tsumagojuku Post Town
Postal Code
2159-2 Azuma, Nagisomachi, Kiso-gun, Nagano
Telephone Number
Official URL
Art & Architecture,Beautiful Scenery,Food & Drink,History,Insta-worthy,Shopping

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