Uesugi Jinja Shrine

Culture Experience History

Uesugi Jinja Shrine is dedicated to the great warlord Uesugi Kenshin, who never lost in the war during the Sengoku period (1467-1590: period of warring states) and displayed a spirit of love. They say it brings you good luck & happiness as well as a granting of wishes based on Uesugi Kenshin being considered a war god. It was burned down by the Yonezawa Fire in 1919, however, it was rebuilt with the support from the country and citizens after two years. A leading figure in the design of shrines and temples, Chuta Ito, who designed Heian Jingu Shrine and Meiji Jingu Shrine, designed the architecture. Keishoden (Uesugi Shrine Museum) showcases many precious belongings of Uesugi Kenshin and his family's descendants. It is crowded during cherry blossom viewing because it is located in Matsugasaki Koen park, which is famous for cherry blossoms.

Spot Name
Uesugi Jinja Shrine
Postal Code
1-4-13 Marunouchi, Yonezawa City, Yamagata
Telephone Number
Culture Experience,History

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