Unzen Jigoku

Onsen(Hot Springs)

Unzen Jigoku is a spot with lots of geothermic energy in the Unzen Onsen area in Nagasaki Prefecture that evokes images of hell (Jigoku). When you enter the area, you will immediately notice the typical sulfur smell. As you walk across the rocky terrain, you will see steam rising from the rocks' cracks. There are also interesting points along the walk, including a steam bath for your feet and a shop selling onsen eggs. Unzen Jigoku also has a more sobering history, though. A number of Japanese Christians were executed here in the early Edo period when the faith was prohibited, turning the place into a literal hell for those who suffered here. Crosses are placed in the area to remind visitors of the victims.

Photograph provided by Nagasaki Prefecture Convention and Tourism Association

Spot Name
Unzen Jigoku
Postal Code
320 Unzen, Obama-cho, Unzen City
Telephone Number
Onsen(Hot Springs)

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