Flower Park Urashima

Beautiful Scenery Insta-worthy

If you happen to be passing through Kagawa prefecture, Urashima Flower Park is an excellent location to visit. Best seen on a warm spring day,  you can enjoy the rolling fields of flowers while overlooking the sea, which is just a short walk away. Depending on the time and season that you chose to visit, you will get to experience entirely different types of flowers, so it's a great location to come back to time and time again. Entirely free to visit, Urashima Flower Park is best enjoyed by finding a bench to sit on and just taking in the natural beauty of the surrounding landscape .

Spot Name
Flower Park Urashima
Postal Code
〒 76-91104
528-1 Takumachotsumu, Mitoyo, Kagawa
Telephone Number
Beautiful Scenery,Insta-worthy