Hakodate Morning Market

Food & Drink

The Hakodate Morning Market is a collection of over 250 shops close to Hakodate Station, and it is a popular destination for foodies who want to enjoy Hokkaido cuisine. Here, visitors can indulge in fresh foodstuffs that can only be found in Hokkaido: all kinds of seafood including squid, crab, and sea urchin are available for purchase, and there are sales of melons and other agricultural goods directly from farmers. This morning market began as a place for vegetable peddlers after World War II, but now it's well-known by many people as one of Hakodate's top gourmet spots. In addition to trying all sorts of different seafoods or looking for ingredients, visitors can also try fishing for squid here, so there's fun for the whole family. It is a morning market and it opens for business at 5 a.m., but some of the larger shops are open until as late as 2 p.m., so even those who don't want to get up early can visit.

Video provided by Hokkaido Television Broadcasting Co.,Ltd.

Spot Name
Hakodate Morning Market
Postal Code
9-19 Wakamatsu-cho, Hakodate City, Hokkaido
Telephone Number
Food & Drink