Kabukurinuma Swamp

Beautiful Scenery Insta-worthy

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Kabukuri-Numa is a lowland wetland in the plains of the northern part of Miyagi prefecture. It is a wintering ground of the greater white-fronted goose (a bird in the duck family) that is used by approximately 70,000 of those birds that are flying within Japan. It has been designated as a national natural monument and has been registered under the Ramsar Convention, which protects wetlands that are important on an international level. The birdwatching season for migratory birds is from the middle of October until early February. The spectacle migratory birds taking flight in the morning and going to roost in the evening is of overwhelming intensity. The best times to see them are 20 minutes before sunrise in the morning and 20 minutes after sunset in the evening. You can also enjoy birdwatching bean geese, swans, ducks, and birds of prey in the afternoon. Sometimes rare birds fly in, causing many birdwatchers to assemble. 
* Since there is no public transport in the vicinity, it is necessary to come to the location by car 

Photograph provided by Tourism Division, Miyagi Prefecture Government

Spot Name
Kabukurinuma Swamp
Postal Code
Onuma, Kabukuri, Tajiri, Osaki City, Miyagi
Telephone Number
Beautiful Scenery,Insta-worthy


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