Nishinotaki Ryusuiji Temple

Beautiful Scenery Culture Experience History

Nishinotaki Ryusuiji Temple lies near the summit of Mt. Osayama on Shodoshima Island of Kagawa Prefecture. One of the 88 sacred places referred to as the Shodoshima 88 Temple Pilgrimage, it is said to be the place where Kukai, the founder of Shingon Buddhism, practiced training and prayers.
The path that leads to Nishinotaki Ryusuiji Temple is a long staircase, and upon entering the grounds Gomadou, which stands on the edge of a cliff, comes into view. Gomadou and the mountain roads offer an unbroken view of Ikeda Port, Shodoshima Island, and Angel Road, which is a sandbar path that emerges from the sea during low tide. This view has led the area to take on the name "tenku no reijo," or "sacred ground of the sky." Another one of the many allures of the temple is the good-humored chief priest who will explain aspects of the temple in a way that's easy to understand.
Within the temple grounds also lies a cave, in which there is a spring called Ryusuji, literally meaning "dragon water." There is a legend that says that a dragon that destroyed a village was captured and confined to a jar by Kukai, and as atonement for its wickedness, water gushes out of the jar, resulting in the spring. Now, it is famous as water that has received Buddha's divine protection, and visitors can both drink it and put some in bottles to take home.

Spot Name
Nishinotaki Ryusuiji Temple
Postal Code
558 Ikeda, Shodoshima, Shozu District, Kagawa
Telephone Number
Beautiful Scenery,Culture Experience,History