Sawara Historic Town

Art & Architecture Beautiful Scenery Culture Experience History

Sawara town in Chiba Prefecture was a prosperous town used as a base for water transportation in the Edo period (1600-1867). The town was quite famous and was given the nickname “Little Edo Town”. Today, when you pay a visit to Sawara town, the reflection of the old days is so well preserved, you would be truly be delighted by its nostalgic ambiance. From early February to mid March, Sawara town holds a lovely “Hina Meguri” festival where town merchants decorate their shops with beautiful Hina-dolls.

Photograph provided by Chiba Prefectural Tourism & Local Products Association / Katori City

Spot Name
Sawara Historic Town
Postal Code
i, Sawara, katori City, Chiba
Telephone Number
Art & Architecture,Beautiful Scenery,Culture Experience,History