Shinmaikohama Beach

Beautiful Scenery Outdoor Activities

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Shinmaikohama Beach is a coastal area that lies within the Setonaikai National Park of Tatsuno City, Hyogo Prefecture. It is known as a place of picturesque scenery, offering a wide view of the islands of Seto, and low tide brings a stretch of around 500 meters of tidelands. December through February is particularly beautiful: during this time, the sunrise and low tide coincide, resulting in the tidelands shining gold and purple. From April to June visitors can enjoy gathering the shells of a variety of creatures such as orient clams, razor clams, and Japanese littleneck clams, and in July and August the shoaling beach becomes a popular place to swim.

Photographs provided by Tatsuno City.

Spot Name
Shinmaikohama Beach
Postal Code
1414 Mitsu-cho Kurosaki, Tatsuno City, Hyogo
Telephone Number
Beautiful Scenery,Outdoor Activities

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