Sumpujo Castle Park

Beautiful Scenery History Outdoor Activities

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Sumpu Castle Park was built by the famous general Tokugawa Ieyasu centuries ago. Today, the main features include a 3D video to learn about history through an MR scope; the reconstructed Hitsujisaru Yagura building, alongside its East Gate, which displays features like mystical fish statues; and the beautiful and elegant Momijiyama Garden which replicates famous places in Shizuoka prefecture such as the Miho Pine Grove, Mt. Fuji, and tea fields.

Photograph provided by Shizuoka Prefectural Tourism Association

Spot Name
Sumpujo Castle Park
Postal Code
1-1 Aoi-ku ,Shizuoka City, Shizuoka
Telephone Number
Beautiful Scenery,History,Outdoor Activities

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