Gyokusendo Cave

Beautiful Scenery Insta-worthy History

Gyokusendo Cave, is the largest cave complex to be found in the Okinawa Prefecture and one of the biggest in the country. It is part of the Okinawa World facility. Interesting enough it was not discovered until 1967, measuring in at a total length of five kilometers; however, only 850 meters are open to the public. Nevertheless, the walking paths offer the spectacular sight of stalactites and stalagmites among other almost unearthly formations that have developed naturally over many millennia beneath the ground. Furthermore, the path is well maintained and lit for visitors. A perfect destination to visit for those looking to escape the summer heat since the cave maintains a constant twenty-one degrees Celsius year round, making it warm in the winter too!

Photograph provided by Okinawa Convention&Visitors Bureau

Spot Name
Gyokusendo Cave
Postal Code
Maekawa-1336 Tamagusuku, Nanjo City, Okinawa
Telephone Number
Beautiful Scenery,Insta-worthy,History