Himeyuri No To Memorial Tower

Culture Experience History

The Himeyuri No To Memorial Tower in Okinawa is a memorial commemorating the lost lives of Okinawan civilians in the Second World War. Specifically, it focuses on the deaths of around 220 Okinawan female students conscripted by the Japanese soldiers to tend to the wounded and bury the dead. Dismissed in the final days of the war, most died in the ensuing chaos. Built in 1978, the Himeyuri Memorial Tower is a stone monument standing at 12 meters in height with an inscription commemorating the dead and praying for world peace. Around the memorial tower, you can find the Himeyuri Peace Museum and the Okinawa Peace Park. A sobering experience, separate from the beautiful beaches Okinawa is usually visited for, history enthusiasts will hold the Himeyuri Memorial Tower in special regard.

Photograph provided by Okinawa Convention&Visitors Bureau

Spot Name
Himeyuri No To Memorial Tower
Postal Code
671-1 Ihara, Itoman city, Okinawa
Telephone Number
Culture Experience,History