Hibiki no Tanada Terraced Rice Fields

Beautiful Scenery

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The Hibiki no Tanada Terraced Rice Fields located in Wakasaji, Fukui Prefecture, is a collection of terraced rice fields spread out in a picturesque fishing village. Over 200 terraced rice paddies decorate the hill that overlooks the village, and the area is surrounded by both mountains and the sea, making it a popular photo spot. In fact, the Hibiki no Tanada Terraced Rice Fields have been recognized as one of Japan’s top 100 rice-field scenery spots. An excellent place to stop and take a break during a drive, the area offers a truly Japanese landscape for visitors to enjoy.

Spot Name
Hibiki no Tanada Terraced Rice Fields
Postal Code
Hibiki, Takahamacho, Oi-gun, Fukui
Telephone Number
Beautiful Scenery

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