Jike Furusato Mura

Beautiful Scenery

Jike Furusato Mura is an area where you can enjoy old Japanese rural landscape views and get up close and personal with typical Japanese bugs like dragonflies, fireflies and stag beetles etc! Take beautiful walks through the forest and gaze at the rice paddy scenery. Inside the village find shrines and soba-noodle restaurants, resting spots where you can try dango dumplings, this is perfect place to experience old Japan. You can also experiences the seasons here, making it an all-year round recommended spot. However, if you want to experience the beautiful autumn leaves, rice paddies and acorns then autumn is particularly a nice time to visit. 

Spot Name
Jike Furusato Mura
Postal Code
414 Jike-cho, Aoba-ku, Yokohama City, Kanagawa
Telephone Number
Beautiful Scenery