Kasugayamajo Castle Ruins

Culture Experience History

Kasugayamajo Castle Ruins are known as the residence of the great warlord in the Sengoku period (1467-1590: period of warring states), Uesugi Kenshin. It is counted as one of Japan's Top 100 Castles and is a National Historic Site. Kasugayama Castle was solidly built utilizing complicated natural terrain and was said to be an impregnable ancient world castle. Many dry moats and mounds remain even now, and you can see the Japan Sea and Kubiki Plains as well as mountains around it all at once from the ruins at the center of the castle, which is located at approximately 180m above sea level.

Photograph provided by Joetsu Tourism Convention Association

Spot Name
Kasugayamajo Castle Ruins
Postal Code
Nakayashiki, Joetsu City, Niigata
Telephone Number
Culture Experience,History