Ashino Koen Park

Beautiful Scenery Insta-worthy

  • Ashino Koen Park-0
  • Ashino Koen Park-1
  • Ashino Koen Park-2
  • Ashino Koen Park-3
  • Ashino Koen Park-4
  • Ashino Koen Park-5
  • Ashino Koen Park-6
  • Ashino Koen Park-7
  • Ashino Koen Park-8
  • Ashino Koen Park-9

Ashino Koen is a local public park in Goshogawara, Aomori Prefecture. It is especially popular in spring when the park and its surroundings slowly transition into a vast sea of cherry blossoms. The nearby train station, Ashino Koen Station, is known as one of the most scenic rural train stations in Japan. The railway passes through a forest of cherry trees, almost touching the branches.

Spot Name
Ashino Koen Park
Postal Code
Ashino-84-170 Kanagicho, Goshogawara City, Aomori
Telephone Number
Beautiful Scenery,Insta-worthy

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