Ayano Teruha Otsuribashi Bridge

Beautiful Scenery Outdoor Activities

The Ayano Teruha Otsuribashi Bridge is a suspension bridge that spans Aya-cho, Miyazaki Prefecture. One of the biggest pedestrian bridges in the world, it boasts a height of 142 meters and a length of 250 meters. Even from a global perspective, Aya-cho has few developed areas, and it is home to one of the largest laurel forests in Japan. A particular area has been designated as the Kyushu Chuo Sanchi Quasi-National Park, and the suspension bridge was put up as a sightseeing monument. Otsuribashi Bridge, the symbol of Aya-cho, was made with the ideas of protecting the laurel forest, keeping in mind the blessings and importance of nature, and letting lots of people feel the splendor of natural ecosystems. The area is busy with people visiting to see the fresh green of spring and the brilliant red of autumn, but the rich green of the laurel forest is lush during winter as well. There is a nature trail that extends about two kilometers from the end of the suspension bridge, allowing visitors to indulge in the tranquility of the forest while taking a leisurely walk through the mountains.

Spot Name
Ayano Teruha Otsuribashi Bridge
Postal Code
5691-1 Minamimata, Higashimorokata-gun Aya-cho, Miyazaki
Telephone Number
Beautiful Scenery,Outdoor Activities