Mossy Forest

Beautiful Scenery Outdoor Activities

The Mossy Forest is a World Natural Heritage Site on Yakushima Island, and it is also the forest that was used as a stage in some Studio Ghibli movies. It rains a lot on Yakushima, and due to this it is blessed with an abundance of nature. As its name suggests, the Mossy Forest is home to various kinds of moss: among the 1,600 or so species nationwide, over 650 of them can be found here. The moss grows thickly in the forest, covering everything in a rich shade of green. Due to the moss, the air in the forest is clean and clear, soothing both body and mind. There is also a stream of spring water flowing nearby, a nice place to rest and listen to the gentle murmur of water.

Photograph provided by Kagoshima Prefecture Visitors Bureau

Spot Name
Mossy Forest
Postal Code
Kusugawa, Kumagegun Yakushimacho, Kagoshima
Telephone Number
Beautiful Scenery,Outdoor Activities