Nishimeya Dam Lake Amphibious Bus Tour

Beautiful Scenery Outdoor Activities

  • Nishimeya Dam Lake Amphibious Bus Tour-0
  • Nishimeya Dam Lake Amphibious Bus Tour-1

The Nishimeya Dam Lake Amphibious Bus Tour is a popular activity in Aomori Prefecture. Come and take a ride as this thrilling tour drives (yes, drives) you through the naturally beautiful environment of Nishimeya. Only in Japan can you board onto an amphibious bus that will trek you through the gateway village to the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Shiramaki Sanchi, before it takes a dive into the Tsugaru Lake.

Photograph provided by Nishimeya Village

Spot Name
Nishimeya Dam Lake Amphibious Bus Tour
Postal Code
219-1 Tashirokanda, Nishimeya-mura, Nakatsuruga-gun, Aomori
Telephone Number
Beautiful Scenery,Outdoor Activities

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