Tsugaru Kokeshi Doll Museum

Art & Architecture Culture Experience

The Tsugaru Kokeshi Doll Museum exhibits a variety of different kinds of traditional Japanese dolls called kokeshi. Kokeshi dolls are made of wood and shaped roughly like humans, with round heads and cylindrical bodies. The design of each doll differs depending on the region in which it was made, and visitors to this museum can see a variety of designs, including modern designs called shingata kokeshi.
The first floor of the museum is free of charge, and here visitors can watch artisanal kokeshi production exhibitions, participate in kokeshi painting workshops, and buy kokeshi-themed merchandise. There is a small entrance fee for the second floor, at which visitors can see an exhibition of over 4,000 traditional kokeshi dolls. The second floor also features a kokeshi art collection, which features a number of dolls painted to resemble famous figures such as former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and mountain climber Yuichiro Miura.
Additionally, a number of events are held at the museum throughout the year, including the National Traditional Kokeshi Craftsman Festival, kokeshi product events, displays of paintings and photos by local artists, and more, so make sure to check the schedule on the official website before visiting.

Spot Name
Tsugaru Kokeshi Doll Museum
Postal Code
72-1 Tomiyama, Fukuro, Kuroishi City, Aomori
Telephone Number
Art & Architecture,Culture Experience