Yokohama English Garden

Beautiful Scenery Insta-worthy

The Yokohama English Garden is made up of plenty of fragrant, four-season roses as well as many other flowers, plants, and trees that are suited to Yokohama's climate. The garden is separated into five areas, and through the plants like clematis and herbs that grow alongside the roses, visitors can enjoy plenty of colors and aromas in the garden. Additionally, the Rose Tunnel is an excellent place to take romantic photos during a visit.

Photographs provided by the Kanagawa Prefectural Tourist Association.

Spot Name
Yokohama English Garden
Postal Code
tvk ecom park, 6-1, Nishihiranuma-cho, Nishi-ku, Yokohama City, Kanagawa
Telephone Number
Official URL
Beautiful Scenery,Insta-worthy