Hinoyama Koen Park Turkish Tulip Garden

Beautiful Scenery Insta-worthy

The Hinoyama Koen Park Turkish Tulip Garden in Yamaguchi Prefecture is a highlight for flower lovers and photographers alike. The designs of the tulip fields change each year, with different types of tulips arranged in lines and curves to create a colorful sea of flowers. Named for Turkish pilot Orhan Suyolcu, the garden is a symbol of friendship between Turkey and Japan. Located on a hill, the garden also boasts a scenic view overlooking the Kanmon Straits that connect Honshu and Kyushu.

Spot Name
Hinoyama Koen Park Turkish Tulip Garden
Postal Code
3-31 Mimosusogawacho, Shimonoseki-shi
Telephone Number
Beautiful Scenery,Insta-worthy