Karato Ichiba Market

Food & Drink

Karato Ichiba Market is a fish market located in Shimonoseki City on the delta of the Kanmon Straits. In the past, it played an important role as a transport hub and trading base, and it was also home to the consulates and banks of various foreign countries. The market is famous for its tai sea bream and hamachi amberjack, and there are also fish and agricultural products sold directly by the fishers and farmers, making it a treasure trove of fresh produce. On weekends and holidays, the market hosts an event for food and drinks called Iki Iki Bakangai, and the venue bustles with people in search of seasonal fish. A great place for both seafood and communication, here visitors can enjoy chatting with locals while hunting for delicious food.

Spot Name
Karato Ichiba Market
Postal Code
5-50 Karato-cho, Shimonoseki City, Yamaguchi
Telephone Number
Food & Drink