Ishigakijima Island Stalactite Cave

The Ishigakijima Island Stalactite Cave was created naturally over the course of 200,000 years, and about 660 meters of the total 3.2 kilometers of cave system is currently on display. One unique characteristic of the Ishigakijima Island Stalactite Cave are the stalactites that are close enough to touch. Within the caves, visitors can enjoy not just the beauty of the stalactites, but also indulge in the world that spreads out in the depths of the earth through illuminations that shine magically, the sounds of trickling water in suikinkutsu, and the Totoro stalactite. Another point to note is that just outside the stalactite caves is the Anettai Botanical Gardens and dreamcatcher-making workshops, making it a great place to visit with friends or family.

Photograph provided by the Okinawa Convention & Visitors Bureau

Spot Name
Ishigakijima Island Stalactite Cave
Postal Code
1666 Ishigaki, Ishigaki City, Okinawa
Telephone Number