Takeda Castle Ruins

Art & Architecture Culture Experience History

The Takeda Castle Ruins are located at the summit of a 353.7-meter-tall mountain, and they are designated as a Mountain Castle Important Cultural Property. It is said that the ruins resemble the figure of a resting tiger, so they are also sometimes referred to as Torafusu-jo, which literally means “lying-down tiger castle.”
Arguably the best time to visit the castle is in autumn when the early morning mist surrounds the castle in a sea of clouds. This has led it to be known as the “castle in the sky” and “Japan’s Machu Picchu,” and in 2006 it was chosen as one of the 100 Fine Castles of Japan.
A lot of travelers visit the Takeda Castle Ruins in autumn specifically to see the sea of clouds, so the forecast for when it’s likely to appear is listed on the website. We recommend that you check the advisories and important points regarding the castle and area before you visit.

Photographs provided by Toshihisa Yoshida.

Spot Name
Takeda Castle Ruins
Postal Code
169 Takeda Wadayama-cho, Asago City, Hyogo
Telephone Number
Art & Architecture,Culture Experience,History